martes, noviembre 04, 2008

Talking to myself

YESS I WARNED THAT I WOULD UPLOAD THE PIX YOU GUYS TOOK!! HeheheHe (evil laugh) Yes the rest of the pictures were also very funny so I promise that, if I don't forget it, I'll send them to you.
This is one of this days when I'm glad for something I did, and this time I don't mean to put lights in the cathedral (ok, I confess it wasn't me) just don't believe everything I write in the blog, I must warn you that I have a lively imagination or a parallel world. But seriously I'm getting better in talking in public which is great because I have to talk in Swedish in front of my students and it's kind of hard. Well it's more than kind of hard, it's very hard! Last time I taught in a class here, half in Swedish half in English, the day before I said to myself "Ok , if I can do this I can do anything!" well I didn't exactly say this because I use to talk to myself in Spanish but you get the idea.
Actually it's not the first time I say this to myself (and yes I talk to myself sometimes) I said this also when I had the exam before the university (which is called "Selectivity", just take a look at the name...), the sixth time I took the drivers license practical test (a ride? just kidding I'm good driving NOW), when the dentist was taking out my wisdom teeth...
In conclusion this is a good phrase even if it doesn't work, or maybe it works as long as we manage...who knows. The bad thing about talking to myself is that I hardly ever go anywhere with the answers